Aussie Mega Shampoo and Conditioner Review

Working on a tight budget for the passed acouple of months hasn't been as bad as I thought it would. Though, I keep seeing dealing on for premium brands and I'm using all my will power not to indulge. I've been spending less time online and more time back in the shops looking for deals so I can stick to my monthly budget.

Kudos to Superdrug for the deals recently! I picked up these Aussie products for around a fiver which I thought was a super bargain.

This stuff is awesome! That's all you need to know. Take my word for it!

I've had these products for almost 3 weeks and I'm extremely impressed with how well they have worked with my hair. It does exactly what it says on the bottle. They aimed to break down product build up and throughly cleanse you hair, scalp - the full monty in one wash. Yes, it's clarifying enough to do so. It turns knotty, tried up hair into smooth and glossy locks. It gets it squeaky clean with drying it out.

Best results for hair after a night out - gets all that grubby feeling hair spray out!!

It smells great too. It has a strong, sweet fruity smell that becomes addictive after awhile. It reminds me of that smell when you first open a packet of Haribo. Ah Ma Zing!

Both the shampoo and conditioner are quite quick so you do not need to be too generous with the quantity (will also make it last longer) :P

There's no doubt that I would recommend this to all my friends and family. I've used this every other day on my hair and it's given it some life again!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing wonderful information about hair Nourishing shampo
    Ethe Nourishing shampoo


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