Career Talk | My Emirates Timeline

By request from emails I have been receiving, I am publishing my time line on here so you can see the progress. From start to finish, it was taken roughly 6 months from applying to starting. So for those reading and following my progress, here's a look at my timeline for Emirates.

Applied: 31/08/14
AUR: 15/08/14
OD: 13/09/14
AD: 14/09/14
FI:   17/09/14
IC : 30/09/14
On hold successful email: 19/10/14
GC: 07/12/14
FA: 29/12/14 
DOJ: 06/02/15 

Please note a word of caution: everyone's timelines are different and there really isn't a definite time when you should expect to hear, or receive a change in your application status. My advice would be to be patience, do not compare your timeline strictly to others in your interview batch. Keep networking online through the forums, and social media sites, and enjoy the time you have left with your family and friends.


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